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Storybook Page 1
This image was created for a sequence of images intended to replicate that of an old fairytale book.

Storybook Page 2
This image was created for a sequence of images intended to replicate that of an old fairytale book.

Knight's Quarters
The basement of a medieval castle where the knights store their belongings.

Castle Courtyard (Front View)
A medieval castle exterior. Intended to represent the architecture of old English castles.

Castle Courtyard (Back View)
A medieval castle exterior. Intended to represent the architecture of old English castles.

Castle Pan Up
A medieval castle exterior. Intended to represent the architecture of old English castles. This shot was created to pan up, in order to show you looming and grand the castle is compared to the main characters.

Spooky Forest
Created to convey a feeling of dread within the character about to venture into the woods alone.

Looming Thickets
The entrance to a magical fantastical world, that seems to be blocked by some sort of dangerous magical force.

The Silver Sun Inn (Front View)
A quaint cute in the is a safe haven for our characters in this unknown land.

The Silver Sun Inn (Back View)
A quaint cute in the is a safe haven for our characters in this unknown land.

Eytridor Forest (Pan Shot)
This forest is unknown to our characters. As many of them see these woods as a threat. The red intended to show how dangerous these woods are.

Eytridor Woods
This shot was created to make the characters feel small, as though the forest itself was stretching around them.
School Projects:

Amelia Cromwell Character Sheet
Amelia Cromwell is a
very competitive girl
scout who would do
anything to be the top
seller of her local troop.
She will not hesitate to use
her doll-like appearance
for sympathy points. If that
does not work, she will pull
out her toy scissors in order
to get what she wants from
you. She is seemingly sweet
and charming but when things don’t go her way she turns into a manipulative, threatening, spoiled brat.
Programs: Adobe Photoshop
very competitive girl
scout who would do
anything to be the top
seller of her local troop.
She will not hesitate to use
her doll-like appearance
for sympathy points. If that
does not work, she will pull
out her toy scissors in order
to get what she wants from
you. She is seemingly sweet
and charming but when things don’t go her way she turns into a manipulative, threatening, spoiled brat.
Programs: Adobe Photoshop

Amelia Cromwell Bedroom
Amelia Cromwell's bedroom. Here is where she retires from her busy day at school, sports, or her academic achievements. Here is where indulges in her terrible practice of creating dolls of her friends that have wronged her wishing bad fortune upon them.
Programs: Adobe Photoshop
Programs: Adobe Photoshop

Enchanted Temple
A mystical temple on the outskirts of an enchanted forest, said to hold some deep secret with in its walls.
Program: Adobe Photoshop
Program: Adobe Photoshop

Peculiar Penguins Palooza
This is a character sheet for a fake show featuring the actor Benedict Cumberbatch. In this show Benedict Cumberbatch is tasked with training these crazy penguins to be circus performers.
Programs: Adobe Photoshop
Programs: Adobe Photoshop

Pirate Port
The rustic tavern where pirates tend to gather so trade their wears, come in from sea, or approach shady figures for potential reward.
Created With: Graphite, Adobe Photoshop
Created With: Graphite, Adobe Photoshop

Contronyms are words that have two means that are opposites of one another. "Puppetshow" is illustrating the word: screen, which means both to hide, and to show.
Programs: Adobe Photoshop
Programs: Adobe Photoshop

Sad Flower
The sad flower a symbol for sadness.
Created With: Acrylic Paint, Adobe Photoshop
Created With: Acrylic Paint, Adobe Photoshop

The Lonely Birthday Party
A little girl is sad and alone as nobody showed up to her 9th birthday party.
Programs: Adobe Photoshop
Programs: Adobe Photoshop

Angel Vs Devil
A sweet dinner turns sour as a food fight irrupts between the devils and the angels.
Programs: Adobe Photoshop
Programs: Adobe Photoshop
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